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The PLC control of an electrical system consisting of an electromagnetically sliding brake and coupling
Uporaba PLC krmilnika pri vodenju električnega sistema sestavljenega iz elektromagnetne drsne zavore
in sklopke
Georgel Gabor, Adrian Traian Plesca

Energy efficiency analysis in mobile hydraulics
Analiza energetske učinkovitosti v mobilni hidravliki
Ervin Strmčnik, Damjan Konovšek

Improvement of a Weedhopper 2 ultralight aircraft by using modern materials
Izboljšanje ultralahkega letala Weedhopper 2 z uporabo sodobnih materialov
Vedran Runje, Tihomir Mihalić, Tihana Kostadin

System control in conditions of continuous stochastic input process
Upravljanje sistema v pogojih zveznega slučajnostnega vhodnega procesa
Janez Usenik

Research activities of the Laboratory for Energy Management and Engineering
Raziskovalne aktivnosti laboratorija za menedžment in inženiring
Zdravko Praunseis

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University of Maribor

Institute of Energy Technology



University of Maribor

Faculty of Energy Technology




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