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The use of Hook-Jeeves method for the calculation of complex nonlinear equivalent magnetic circuits
Uporaba metode Hook – jeeves za izračun kompleksnih nelinearnih enakovrednih magnetnih vezij
Mykhaylo Zagirnyak, Oksana Usatiuk, Volodymyr Usatyuk


Analytical estimation of switched reluctance motor flux linkage profile by using evolutionary algorithm and numerical simulations 
Analitična ocena magnetnih sklepov preklopno reluktančnega motorja z uporabo evolucijskega algoritma in numeričnih simulacij
Marinko Barukčić, Željko Hederić, Tin Benšić 


Efficient applications and architecture of modern digital signal processors
Učinkovite aplikacije in arhitekture modernih digitalnih signalnih procesorjev
Ivana Hartmann Tolić, Snježana Rimac-Drlje, Željko Hocenski 


Dimensional accuracy of prototypes made with FDM technology
Dimenzijska natančnost prototipov proizvedenih s FDM tehnologijo
Davor Tomić, Ana Fudurić, Tihomir Mihalić, Nikola Šimunić


Determining the current capacity of transmission lines based on ambient conditions
Določanje trenutne zmogljivosti daljnovodov na osnovi zunanjih pogojev
Ivan Michal Špes, Ľubomír Beňa, Michal Kosterec, Michal Márton 

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University of Maribor

Institute of Energy Technology



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Faculty of Energy Technology




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