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PSpice simulations for single-phase rectifiers for testing DC fuse
PSpice simulacije za enofazne usmernike za testiranje DC varovalk

Adrian Plesca, Costica Nituca, Gabriel Chiriac, Zhiyuan Liu, Yingsan Geng


Urban greening as a cooling tool towards the heat islands effect

Ozelenjevanje mest kot orodje za zmanjševanje učinka toplotnega otoka
Anja Bubik, Lucija Kolar


An analysis of the responsibility for zero waste
Analiza odgovornosti za družbo brez odpadkov
Ivana Buble, Daniel Rolph Schneider, Niko Samec, Filip Kokalj


Lift and drag coefficients for different Magnus rotor types
Koeficienti vzgona in upora za različne konfiguracije Magnusovega rotorja
Marko Pezdevšek


Institute of Energy Technology

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University of Maribor

Institute of Energy Technology



University of Maribor

Faculty of Energy Technology




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