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Experimental investigations of pipeline filling and emptying in a small-scale apparatus
Eksperimentalne raziskave polnjenja in praznjenja cevovoda malih izmer
Uroš Karadžić, Anton Bergant 

History of classic thermodynamics and future of thermodynamics
Zgodovina klasične termodinamike in prihodnost termodinamike
Jurij Avsec, Urška Novosel 

Energy aspects of urban last mile delivery
Energetski vidiki dostav v mestih
Tomislav Letnik, Matej Mencinger, Stane Božičnik 

Improving energy modeling and renovation through the monitoring of microclimate and indoor
air quality
Izboljšanje energetskega modeliranja in prenove z monitoringom mikroklime in kvalitete notranjega
Niko Natek, Boštjan Krajnc

Charging a car in motion wirelessly
Brezžično polnjenje avtomobilov v vožnji
Dario Ležaić, Tihomir Mihalić, Andrej Predin 

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University of Maribor

Institute of Energy Technology



University of Maribor

Faculty of Energy Technology




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