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Current-temperature analysis of the ampacity of overhead conductors depending on applied standards /
Analiza tokovno-temperaturne preobremenljivosti vodnikov daljnovodov glede na uporabljene standarde
Ivica Petrović, Hrvoje Glavaš, Željko Hederić


Small hydropower plants in Slovenia /
Male hidroelektrarne v Sloveniji
Primož Mavsar 


Global trends and the thermal energy capacities greater than 10 MW in Slovenia /Svetovni trendi in stanje termoenergetike nad 10 MW v Sloveniji
Dušan Strušnik


A case study of exergy analysis of waste heat recovery in refrigeration system /
Analiza eksergijskih tokov v hladilnem sistemu z izkoriščanjem odpadne toplote
Ivana Tršelič, Jurij Avsec


Renewable energy potential and opportunities for organic farming in the region of the Šalek valley /
Obnovljivi energetski potenciali in sonaravno kmetijstvo širšega območja Šaleške doline
Natalija Špeh, Nataša Kopušar 


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University of Maribor

Institute of Energy Technology



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Faculty of Energy Technology




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